Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Great talk by Dave Irvine-Halliday

Here was a great example of technology making a difference in lives of families in the developing world. Simply a couple of LED lamps, a battery, and a small solar panel. What happens is that the families who get these units:
  • Save up to $400/yr in kerosene costs for lighting
  • Safer environment, no fires!
  • Lower pollution, less exposure to combustion by-products
  • Lower CO2, in the trillion ton range if the whole world were switched
  • Lower crime, particularly applicable to Afghanistan and other trouble spots
  • Higher education rates
  • Higher productivity
  • Higher ownership of property
What can this mean? For a family, this can mean a way out of poverty. The savings alone can mean purchasing a home in 2-3 years instead of living in a wood shack. Children can study.

For more information, see the Light up the World Foundation.

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